
If you attended Midwest Craft Con and need an invitation to the attendee private Facebook group, email us.


Support of Midwest Craft Con helps offset the cost of scholarships, compensating the speakers, providing perks to attendees/exhibitors, supporting the member platform and the admin cost of running our non-profit.

Give back and support all of these causes. Your support builds our capacity to support the crafting community. Contact us to become an annual funder today.


Our sponsorship packages are designed to fit any budget and showcase your business to not only conference attendees but also the general public through our marketplaces.

We look forward to discussing custom partnership opportunities with you.

Send us a message to inquire about Sponsorship opportunities to place your business into our audience of crafting artists.

Press Inquiries

If you’d like to get in touch with Midwest Craft Con to create coverage for your newspaper, magazine, TV or radio station or blog, please email us! And here is our most recent press release.

Press & Appearances